Services We Offer
Plumbing Services in Nottingham
Radiator Repairs
If you have a wet central heating system, your boiler will heat water that is then pumped through pipes leading to radiators installed around the house. Hence, if any of these radiators develop problems, you could soon know. Radiator issues with which any of our plumbers could help include leaky valves as well as air trapped in the system. Sometimes, a radiator can also seem hot at the top while remaining cold at the bottom.
Boiler Services in Nottingham
Leaky taps and pipes
Perhaps a water pipe has burst, or a certain tap keeps leaking no matter how tightly you seem to have turned it off. Ultimately, we can replace or repair any plumbing fixture that is suspiciously leaky in your Nottingham abode. Whether that fixture is physically inside or outside your domestic building, we can help.
Boiler Services in Nottingham
Blocked toilets
Early signs of a blocked toilet include water levels that rise or are slow to fall in the bowl, gurgling sounds and unpleasant lingering smells. So, if you notice any of these signs in your Nottingham home, you should not hesitate to ask us for help with unblocking this toilet.
Boiler Services in Nottingham
Other Plumbing Issues
Our plumbing experts have over a decade of experience in providing quality residential plumbing services – whether you’ve got a leaky tap or you need your pipes maintained, we can do it all. We offer power-flushing to cleanse your heating system
Thomas Kenny Plumbing & Heating
Get In Touch
Whatever your domestic boiler requirements, it’s easy to let us know what they are. We invite you to contact us by phoning 07530 224824 or 07508 040310 or emailing Alternatively, you could use our Facebook page to message us.
Whichever of our plumbing services you are interested in utilising, you can take heart that we offer free quotations as well as very competitive prices for all of these services.